Author: sakiladnan
20 minutesসাদাকালো ফ্রেম রঙিন জীবন
আস্থা রুটি বানানোর জন্য আটা গুললেন সাহাবী হাবীবের স্ত্রী। ঘরে ম্যাচ বা চকমকি পাথর ছিলো না। আগুনের খোঁজে গেলেন পাশের বাড়িতে। এই ফাঁকে একজন ভিক্ষুক এসে হাজির। হাবীব রা. শুয়েছিলেন। আর কিছু না থাকায় খামিরার সবটুকু আটা ভিক্ষুকের হাতে তুলে দিলেন। আগুন নিয়ে এসে স্ত্রী দেখেন শূন্য পাত্র পড়ে আছে। -কী ব্যাপার, আমাদের আটা কোথায়…
5 minutesArab World during The Ottoman Period
In the sixteenth century, the Arab world came under the Ottoman Caliphate. Before the Ottomans, the region was ruled by the Mamluk and Safavid dynasties. The Mamluks ruled Egypt, Syria, Hejaz and Yemen. The Safavids had power in Iraq. Morocco and parts of Libya were colonized by Spain. The Ottomans began to conquer different parts of Arabia one by one in the early…
54 minutesRenaissance of The Muslim Ummah & Muslim Minority in Sri Lanka
[We have given up the hope of Arabia long ago. Were looking at Turkey in the changed scenario with high hopes. Our hopes have not turned out to be disappointing, although not as fast as expected. The way Iran was moving to the main stage or desperate for recognition as a single monk, our big alternative is Erdogan’s…
13 minutesBehind the Ban on Islam in Angola
With the constant pressure around us, our feelings have shrunk like a gasless balloon. Happiness-pain, wonder-despair nothing touches us nowadays. Blood, corpses, and tears- how much can be tolerated. It is difficult to remember exactly when our miserable journey in national life began. No one knows when and where this journey will end. Nowhere is…
10 minutesIslamic Law & The Declaration of Muslim Life
The laws of injustice, torture and cancellation have kept people in the grip of terrorism and oppression everywhere in the world. Pornography does not allow the eyes to be protected in a safe position. Anxiety does not give the feeling a chance to escape. The market for ruthless carnage and heinous terrorism is now hot. All sorts of media…
15 minutesHow is Palestine as A State? How was The Last Few Years?
There is not enough food. Not enough source for pure water. The sanitation system breaks down. There is no opportunity to go anywhere for the people. No well-structured school for children. No job for young adults. Patients do not have required medical or pharmaceutical collection. Palestine population spends days in unannounced remand with the fears of blockades, arrests, attacks, and murders. An…