Expert Guidance for Your
Digital Journey

Your partner in inbound marketing, dedicated to driving results. I create content, develop strategies, and lead SEO efforts to help businesses achieve desired goals all organically. With over a decade of experience, I’m passionate about driving results and setting winning strategies that deliver measurable growth.

Evergreen Strategies to Boost Your WordPress/SaaS Business

Defining Target Audience (Buyer Persona)

Analysing Competitors and Finding Gaps

Developing a Content-driven Marketing Strategy

Creating Useful Content (Topical Authority)

Content Repurposing & Brand Promotion

Tracking-Analysing Results & Repeat

Inbound Marketing How-to’s for Tech Products

Every product or website is unique, and I pride myself on tailoring my approaches to fit your needs.

SEO Audit and SWOT

Keyword Research and Topical Mapping

Product Docs Planning and Content Creation

Funnel Building and

On-page and Off-page

Content Repurposing and Lead Generation

In numbers

Check a few of my achievements as an author, SEO strategist, and organic growth specialist.

1000+ Articles
and Stories

5+ Tech Product launch

30+ Website

5+ Millions Organic Traffic from Target Areas

Articles & Stories

Welcome to my tech writing world. Explore some of my blog posts and articles written on WordPress, eCommerce, Marketing, and Social media branding.

The official blog for weDevs Ltd., creator of 10+ powerful WordPress plugins and SaaS tools. One of the most popular blogs for WordPress.

A dedicated blog for Dokan Multivendor plugin and the upcoming cloud version of Dokan. Covers mainly eCommerce stuff.

The official blog for WPERP Ltd. Covers everything related to ERP systems, HRM, and CRM all on WordPress. is a dedicated WordPress blog and an unofficial repository for WordPress plugins, themes, and block patterns.

Blogs Managed/Created from Scratch

These are the blogs I’ve created from scratch and managed for years, without paid links.
Never faced Google penalties or sudden drops in organic performance.

Major Products Worked with

Top WordPress plugins and SaaS tools I’ve worked with for the last 5 years. Managed everything related to Inbound
includes documentation, blogs, video tutorials, SEO, social promotion, forum branding, and a lot more.

Notable Achievements

I believe in results. I work to create value and ensure long-term growth with evergreen strategies. When you’re building brands, you should do everything with love and care. Content and SEO take time, so you can’t take chances to A/B test again and again.

20% Traffic Growth and 20k+ Keyword Acquired from a Single Technical Fixing

5k+ Traffic from Dozens of Posts on WordPress and Other Niches

No Penalties or Sudden Drops from Google, Never

Feedback and Recommendations

I had the opportunity to consult for weDevs and work with Sakil on inbound marketing, where his thoughtful nature and data-driven approach consistently enhanced their marketing strategies. His ability to translate complex data into actionable insights was pivotal in elevating weDevs product line.
Martin Rusteberg
Martin Rusteberg
PMP-certified Project Manager & Omni-Channel Marketing Specialist
During my time at weDevs, Sakil has demonstrated a high level of dedication and talent. He started as an entry-level SEO content writer and progressed rapidly to Head of Content. In terms of his SEO skills, Sakil is very interested in keeping up-to-date with industry trends and the best practices guidelines set forth by Google.
muradul islam
Muradul Islam
Author, Growth Marketer & pDOOH expert
Sakil was one of the pure gems of the weDevs Content Marketing team. He managed the whole Content team with my supervision and when I left weDevs, he took the leadership. Single-handedly led his team to achieve great things like solving SEO issues, improving keyword ranking, starting new blogs for new products, and increasing traffic & quality of content.
mainul kabir aion
Mainul Kabir Aion
Data Storyteller, EdTech Expert & WordPress Mentor

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    এই তারুণ্যই লিখুক ভবিষ্যৎ বাংলাদেশের নয়া ফরমান

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  • কুরবানী ঈদের নামাজ

    ঈদুল আজহা ও কোরবানি: আপনি যা জানতে চেয়েছেন

    কোরবানি নামাজের মতো স্বাতন্ত্র ইবাদত। কোরআন-সুন্নাহর আলোকে কোরবানির গুরুত্ব, ফজিলত ও সাওয়াব অনেক। আর কোরবানি হজরত ইবরাহিম আলাইহিস সালামের সুন্নাত। নবিজী সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়া সাল্লাম নিজে তা পালন করেছেন, উম্মতে মুহাম্মাদির সামর্থ্যবানদের জন্যও আদায় করা আবশ্যক। কোরবানি আল্লাহ তা‘আলার একটি বিধান। আদম আ. হতে প্রত্যেক নবীর যুগে কুরবানী করার ব্যবস্থা ছিল। যেহেতু প্রত্যেক নবীর যুগে…

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