With the recognition of the recent Qaumi Charter, the Qaumi Shibir is divided into different paths and views. Someone is strongly against the ‘Qawmi Madrasah Education Authority Act 2013’. On the other hand, someone is deeply interested in getting the Qaumi Charter and degree recognized by that authority law. Some brothers in the virtual world are unhappy not to get the charter recognized in opposition of Allama Shafi. They made sharp and oblique remarks about Shaykh’s motives. They also said that it would have been better if some brothers had taken the recognition for the time being. A section has strongly opposed recognition. They say it is the opposite of Usul-e-Hashtagana of Qaumi Madrasah.
Another party says we will not accept the certificate from the Awami League. Their argument is that those who took the blood of our brothers in Shapla Chattar, in the darkness of night; They will give us something good that does not match. Even if the devil calls for prayer, there is a mistake in it. Khal is not lacking in deception. In this way, the social networking site Facebook of the virtual world was vocal with counter-argument for several days.
Everybody had a strong argument for their statement. But I never think anyone had a lack of tenderness towards this teaching. According to the latest news, eleven boards outside Befaqul Madaris Arabia are going to get recognition. Befaq is not the only one taking it. Online and offline we have received a lot of support for the recognition of the certificate. Received intellectual discussion on the need for recognition.
In this article, we will try to show the positive and negative aspects of recognition. I will bring to the light of the events of history the words of the dark cloud-awakened fear in the depths of the mind. I will try to see and show the border of the conspiracy trap. God is great.
Let’s take a look at the distant and distant history of Qaumi Madrasah Education. Hopefully, those events in history will help us get to the root of our current recognition problems.
Qaumi Madrasah: British Chapter

Closing Qaumi Madrasahs
The British Government closed all the madrasahs after the independence of the subcontinent. Because they knew they would cause problems for them. Confiscated all the lands of Maktab-Madrasah. The British saw the end of Islamic education. But it was the closed madrasahs that established Deoband and nailed the final nail in the coffin of British rule. The children of Darul Uloom Deoband had to leave India one day for the sake of their independent consciousness.
This wound they could not forget at all. They have been behind this education system ever since. Qadiani, starting from Rizvi, is also being used by a group of recent Ahlul Hadith on the basis of an airy allegation called ‘impurity of belief’. The contractors of that creed say that the creed of the Deobandis is Bidat and shirk.
Beginning of Darul Uloom Deoband in India

Darul Uloom Deoband is anti-English. So they need some scholars on the side of the English. In that hope, Warren Hastings established the Calcutta Madrasah in 181. Where they tried to create a group of courtiers loyal to them. But it has been seen that those who are worthy of it have hardly gone in favor of the English after acquiring knowledge; To convey.
And those who were weak in knowledge and wisdom went to them. They did not benefit from this project. The present Alia Madrasah is carrying its history.
Calcutta Madrasah vs Khariji Madrasah
When the English saw after the establishment of Calcutta Madrasah, it did not meet their expectations. Then they create an expectation among the common people. So that everyone emphasizes English education in madrasahs in the hope of getting jobs and opportunities for the rulers. The plan succeeds. The demand for modernization of madrasah education arose from the people. Following this, the famous ‘Earl Committee’ formed under the leadership of Archdale Earl, Director of Public Education in 1906-6 and the Nathan Committee formed in 1914 recommended radical changes in madrasah education. From 1 April 1915, the new scheme of madrasah education was introduced everywhere.
One of the features of this scheme is the exclusion of the Persian language and making English compulsory. At present, the curriculum includes Bengali, Maths, Geography, History, English, Drawing, Handwork, and drills are included. As a result, from 1914-15, two streams of madrasahs were introduced, namely New-Scheme and Old-Scheme.
At that time, it was stipulated that if a madrasah did not introduce their education system in a new-scheme manner, all government assistance would be stopped for them. At that time many scholars of United Bengal saw it as an attempt to take a new look at Islam and Islamic teachings. That is why they rely on Allah Almighty with only a few madrasahs; He gave up hope of getting government help and stuck to the old-scheme education system.
The government declared those madrasas ‘Khariji‘ or canceled from government aid. According to history, in 1922, only 19 madrasahs were on the list of old schemes.
Then all kinds of government assistance will be stopped for them. At that time many scholars of United Bengal saw it as an attempt to take a new look at Islam and Islamic teachings. That is why they rely on Allah Almighty with only a few madrasahs; He gave up hope of getting government help and stuck to the old-scheme education system. The government declared those madrasahs ‘khariji’ or canceled from government aid. According to history, in 1922, only 19 madrasahs were on the list of old-schemes. Then all kinds of government assistance will be stopped for them. At that time many scholars of United Bengal saw it as an attempt to take a new look at Islam and Islamic teachings. That is why they rely on Allah Almighty with only a few madrasahs; He gave up hope of getting government help and stuck to the old-scheme education system.

The government declared those madrasahs ‘khariji’ or canceled from government aid. According to history, in 1922, only 19 madrasahs were on the list of old schemes. He gave up hope of getting government help and stuck to the old-scheme education system. The government declared those madrasahs ‘khariji’ or canceled from government aid.
According to history, in 1922, only 19 madrasahs were on the list of old schemes. He gave up hope of getting government help and stuck to the old-scheme education system. The government declared those madrasahs ‘khariji’ or canceled from government aid. According to history, in 1922, only 19 madrasahs were on the list of old schemes.
Later, the new-scheme madrasah took the form of a general school-college. In 1958, a government proclamation converted a number of madrasahs into schools and colleges. As of 1984, the number was 1084. The present Nazrul College in Dhaka, Muhsin College in Chittagong, High Madrasa in Rajshahi were once madrasahs but now these colleges have witnessed the loss of the tradition of Islamic education.
Qaumi Madrasah: Bangladesh Chapter

Recognition of Alia Madrasah in Bangladesh
President Ershad was in power then. Alia Madrasas of Bangladesh were included in the MPO. Teachers raise their salaries and allowances with government money. Later, Dakhil and Alim Madrasahs were given the equivalent of general and higher secondary education. Madrasah students get the opportunity to get admission to the university by passing Alim.
Later, Fazil was given a degree. Kamil was given the standard of Masters on this day.
Dhaka University in Action to Not Admit Madrasah Student
Suddenly, Dhaka University stopped admitting students in several subjects for Alim students. As well as many more varsities. National universities for two years. Because madrasah students read English and Bengali and get 100 marks. And school and college students get 200 marks. Therefore, students of Madrasah will not be able to get admission in 6 subjects in DU. Bengali literature and Ireji literature are among them. At one time the students of the madrasah came down in the movement. To equal the number of schools and colleges in Bengali and English subjects. At present, it has been equated.
Now Coming to The Final Point of Qaumi Charter Recognition
Now let’s talk about the above four incidents. Dear reader, pls stay with us with a little patience. In the first case, I saw that the English set up an institution for the education of Muslims. The purpose of this organization was to enable the children of Muslims to join government work. But the underlying reason was to create an alternative to Darul Uloom. But when he saw that their day was coming to an end! But then this education system poisoned the body. In the form of old-scheme and new-scheme. Once upon a time, old-scheme madrasahs were almost abolished by hanging government grants. After about 45 years, in 1956, many madrasahs called New-Scheme were converted into schools and colleges. But when the New Scheme was converted into a school-college but it was a country of Muslims founded on the basis of bi-racial theory. It is noteworthy that the scholars of that time were more energetic than the present ones. Was more influential. But the madrassas could not stop the change of schools.
Now let’s talk about Bangladesh. When the madrasah resorted to cunning to prevent the infiltration of students into the university, the verdict of the case went in favor of the madrasah students. But the university did not accept the verdict of the High Court. Why did not obey the court’s verdict? Because the root cause of this ban is not disclosable. So the fragile cause has been brought to the fore. So that another new-scheme tragedy can be created. What has happened in the student movement! The number of one hundred and two hundred has increased in Bengali and English. Where did it go down? Certainly in a subject that helps to understand the revelation in knowledge. ‘Information and communication technology has come again.
Then! My personal experience is that it is not possible to produce any scholar in Alia Madrasah now. And those who will be easy target due to their lack of knowledge will be Ahlul Hadith, Ahlul Quran, Bedati Pir and Qadianis. Fetna and farka will increase in the country. On the other hand, it has been seen that most of the meritorious students of Alia Madrasah, after being admitted to the university, never returned as Madrasa-teachers. Very few of those who have returned have been paying attention to Ta’lim training. In the burning of breaking dreams, they have always been in pursuit of personal excellence.
Speaking of my personal experience. About two hundred students who passed the submission were my private students in the last ten years. Eighty percent of them went to college because they did not know Arabic. And Alim has been admitted to the varsity-oriented or at least the national varsity. None of them came to teach in the madrasah. As a result, the number of qualified Alem teachers is less than twenty percent, except for a few well-known madrasas. Here the statistics are presented in the light of some districts, their own police stations, and their own educational institutions.
On the other hand, there is corruption and nepotism in recruitment. The shelter of bribery and lies is now almost perfect to fulfill the various conditions of the government. As a result, the spirituality of Alia Madrasah is now at zero quotas. The most surprising thing is that non-worshipers will also be injured if they see the plight of the mosques of those madrasahs which do not have mahalla mosques.
There is only one reason for this or the role. Given an idea of the consequences for us if the Qawmi Madrasah Charter is recognized. Arguing with a friend, he once said, “Recognition would be suicidal for us.”
In my long introduction, many may think that I am against recognition. But no! I also want the recognition of our Qaumi Charter. But how? That path is not known. I only know about the problem. And because I talk about that problem with suspicion; If the solution comes from the adults!
I get hurt when I see my father, uncle, brother- a Muhaddith, mufti, or Alem deen but in government statistics, he is just a literate man. I get angry when I see that a person cannot read Ibarat or reading, But that man is sitting with the title of Muhaddis. But my teacher who is qualified to teach him is stuck in a madrasah. Where salary is due month after month. But he is making countless students. And the holder of that certificate is an orange; Whether Alim will pass and run to be a government servant. I am amazed when one of my brothers cannot serve in a suitable place despite having qualifications for a certificate. On the other hand, after spending a long period of my life in education, I have to be a backward people in the language of the state. This is by no means acceptable. Can’t be
Like some, of course, completely different from me. They said, “I know. I don’t believe in this practice.” Someone came and wrote on a piece of paper and said that you know Hadith. That cannot be recognized in any way. With all due respect to those brothers or sages, I am not as brave or confident as you. I want the state to evaluate me. Don’t do any far-reaching conspiracy against me again.
Now let’s talk about those brothers of Qaumi. Those who have taken certificate in Qawmi as well as Alia Madrasah and studied in varsity. How many have returned to Qaumi? We will get this image very easily. If we look at Dhaka University, Islamic Foundation, Islamic Shariah-based banks, media houses, etc. Many ask questions in this context. Can Qomi give everyone a place? My question is not here. Since recognition does not come back when we get the chance. Then when the whole country will be open for me after recognition! How much will I return then? In this case, one day, the most beloved Qawmi madrasas than our lives will not be filled with talented teachers!
The answer may be that we are accepting recognition just like us. There is talk here too; ‘Khal is not lack of deceit’.
Once I fall into their trap, I will never be able to come back. As no one in the past could. Again, it is not possible to keep anyone trapped in this open world. So when we create the opportunity but not the opportunity. Then we will move for our own opportunity. I will collect it once. But at that time none of us will remember this determination today. The leaders of the new scheme did not keep such.
Nowadays we see many people sniffing about the collection of Qawmi Madrasah. I see many Qaumi brothers also match the tune. Well, when the state says, you take the MPO. Then how many people will be found who will show the same determination as the authorities of those 19 madrasahs of 1922?
Government Context for Qaumi Charter
Shortly before or after the Peelkhana massacre, the son of Shaikh Hasina “Joy” said that 35% of Qaumi Madrasah students are in the Bangladesh Army.
A few days ago, he said that the number of madrasah students has increased for every three school students in post-75 Bangladesh. So he started a movement to reduce the number of students in madrasahs.
The worst thing that the government has done after coming to power against the interests of Qawmi Madrasah is the completion of the JDC and JSC exams. But how? Now, look at Joy’s statement. The first is to lie about a place as sensitive as the army. The second is to reduce students. But one of those movements is the mentioned public examinations. You see, many of us who study in Qaumi realize that we need a certificate almost in the middle of our education. Or sometimes we would take the entrance exam on the advice of a teacher. Then I would go in different directions.
So much organized to stop it! The reason is; Completion is at the age of 10-11 years. And JDC or JSC has to be given at the age of 12-13 years. Now, when a Qawmi student realizes that he needs to get a certificate with Dakhil or SSC, he will be 18/17.
On the other hand there is birth registration. There is no chance of reducing the age. As a result, he has no chance of concluding at the age of 15/16 or 18. Even then, if one wants to pay, it is impossible to get a government job after obtaining the rest of the certificate. Because by that time the age limit of his government service will end.
Now that this government wants to recognize us on all terms, there is no trap; That cannot be said by swearing. On the other hand, if another government comes to power, they will not interfere in it, where is the guarantee? All in all, the recognition of the Qaumi Charter is now a difficult decision for the scholars of the Ummah. And this government has made arrangements to prevent that difficult decision from being taken well. Causing a rift among themselves. I have been hearing for a few days that the other eleven boards except Befaq will get recognition. It would be extreme suicide for us. Where there is a board for Alia Madrasah all over the country, it takes eleven at the beginning! This recognition will be the beginning of a long dispute.
But! If the coming generation pays the price for our mistakes, then they will not forgive us. Do not forgive others for taking away the right to happiness and peace of a nation. The day may not be too far away when we will try to get the Ijtehadi wrong; But no one will listen to us. Intense hatred will be avoided by those people who are dear to the rabbis of the Ummah. If we have to accept recognition, we will do so on the basis of unity. And if not, the decision should be based on consensus. Then maybe the passage will not be blocked.
Author: Saif Siraj
Rajnagar Maulana House
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